Web Development

Facts About Why You Should Have a Website

30 percent of consumers won't consider a business without a website.

People are searching for your online.

57% of internet users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile.

Importance Of A Website

    Do you know how much loss you bear if your business isn’t online? Too much because almost everyone will look for you online first and talk about their needs rather than looking for you in a car?

    If in today’s age you don’t have a website, I would not consider you because a website can give a clear idea to a visitor what you do, what you sell, price quotation and what quality should we expect from you. It attracts more customers than you think.

    A website will be accessible to a customer 24/7, they can check or order anything anytime they want or like. A website is a great way to create presence everywhere. It can be really helpful once people know about you.

    A website will help you get more connections everyday. Your website should be SEO healthy if you want it to appear on top. If you use words that generate traffic you will be at top easily.

    9 out of 10 customers prefer to look for your business online.


The numbers are to let you know how much loss you can be in if you do not get a website even for your small business. Small business will become large only if you try to grow it everywhere. You can be offline with your work but you have to be online too because if you are online, every age group is watching you. 90% of today's generation want to know about you sitting at home rather than go out and talk to you about their needs.


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