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How to Use Browser Developer Tools To Debug and Optimize Your Web Pages

If you’ve been using a modern browser for any period of time, you’ve probably come across developer tools to improve your web browsing experience. These tools are built into the bowels of every modern web browser, and they can be used to optimize your website pages, debug problems, and even launch third-party websites from within the browser itself. To learn how to use these tools effectively and avoid making the same mistakes that millions of other web users do, read on.

What Are Browser Developer Tools?
The developer tools section of your web browser provides access to a large number of features to help you create better web pages. These features are generally categorized under the following headings: Network Connections – This section provides access to metrics and graphs about your internet connection, as well as tools to optimize your download speed. Memory – This section shows you which parts of your website are spending the most memory, as well as information about any resources that may be using up your computer’s memory. GPU – This section shows off just how powerful your computer’s graphics card is by showing you graphs and metrics about your video, image, and website rendering performance. JavaScript – This is where the magic happens. This is where you learn how your website is using the computer’s resources, and which parts need more love. Tab Stacking – This is another common issue with new web designers, where a section of your web page is open on multiple tabs. This problem can be resolved by closing a few of the tabs, but it’s easy to forget.

What Do Developer Tools Do?
When you first start using developer tools, you may be overwhelmed by their features and functions. Luckily, the toolbar at the top of every modern web browser is broken up into four categories: Debugging, Performance, Help, and about.

Mozilla developer tools
Mozilla’s developer tools are probably what first comes to mind when people think of developer tools. These tools are part of the Firefox web browser, and they provide access to features that are specific to the browser version you’re using. Like the other developer tools, Mozilla’s tools are easy to use, and they provide both visual and textual information to help you troubleshoot problems and optimize your website.

Chrome developer tools
Google’s browser also has a special developer tool that’s part of the Chrome web browser. This is the Chrome developer tools, and it’s probably the most feature-rich developer tool on the market. You can access the developer tools by clicking the wrench icon in the upper-right hand corner of your browser window. From there, you can view the same tabs and features that the standard developer tools provide.

Firefox developer tools
The last developer tool we’ll discuss is the Firefox developer tools. This is the actual tool you use to build and test your web pages. You can access the developer tools by clicking the wrench icon in the upper-right hand corner of your browser window. From there, you’ll see the same tabs and features that the standard developer tools provide.

Internet Explorer developer tools
After using all three major web browsers to create your website, you’ll probably want to stick with one browser for the rest of your life. Fortunately, Internet Explorer also has a series of developer tools that make your site running faster, more efficient, and easier to view. You can access these tools from the Tools menu in your web browser. From there, you can view your internet connection, view your active tabs, and make adjustments to your speed and connection.

Browsers come with a massive amount of features and tools to help developers create better web pages. However, most people don’t use these features to their full potential. With the right usage of developer tools, you can make your website load faster, improve your SEO, and avoid common mistakes that website users make. Here are a few tips to make using developer tools easier: Close browser tabs while you’re using them. This will stop you from accidentally opening new tabs while you’re logged into your site and altough you’re in the middle of something. Type frequently into the search bar to find the developer tools. This will keep you from getting lost in the menu system. Press alt to open a context-sensitive menu when you don’t know what key is being pressed. This is usually located in the top-left hand corner of the browser window. Use the search bar at the top of each window to find information you’re looking for quickly. Don’t click on links within a page. This will take you out of the page and open your browser’s search box in another window. Keep your tabs closed when you’re working on a website. You don’t want other users of your site to see how you’re handling problems on your own page. And last but not least, don’t forget to set a good passwords for your websites. You don’t want the same passwords for all your accounts, and you don’t want anyone getting access to your sensitive information.


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