We all know that “Content is king” and why is content so important for your business. Content is now a basic necessity for any business, per se. Content marketing is one of the most techniques of digital marketing and helps you a lot in the growth of your business.

To help you better understand the importance of content marketing, read the following points and you will know:
1. Helps in building brand awareness
Content marketing will help you in building brand awareness, it is the most effective way to market your brand. It does not cost you much because it is mainly an interaction between you and your customers.
Content marketing, if done right can do wonders for you and your business in no time. You will be the king of your business but only if things are done the right way.

Video marketing is also one of the best ways for you to advertise your business. It is a great way to increase brand awareness online using the right kind of content in the videos.
2. Helps build links
What helps you build links with top sites? Your Content, if you have great content, other top sites will link their sites with you and you have no idea how much traffic it will generate for your site.

The benefits of backlinking are not just limited to this but, backlinking proves to be one of the main criteria which is considered necessary to help your websites rank.
Always remember your content is very important to you and your business.
3. Great for digital marketing:
Content is the pillar to all the digital marketing solutions and services. For eg., SEO (Search Engine Optimization) the first thing is keyword which is a part of the content and all the captions on your posts on social media are the keywords.
All the images and videos are a part of content that we post on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn as a way to show our services and work through social media marketing.

Search engine algorithms are changing from time to time but the only thing that remains constant is the dependency on Content especially the text Content for a better-ranking website.
4. Text content is evergreen
I completely agree that some content pieces are very time-sensitive, as they are outdated quickly and are never meant to prove useful in the future.
However, barring a few content pieces the others are evergreen and tend to remain out there for a long time in Google’s Index.

Evergreen content continues to bring in traffic for the website from time to time with no or little extra efforts required. Evergreen content is the content, which provides knowledge to the audience and answers their basic query.
The extra added benefit of the evergreen text content is that one does not necessarily have to add new content every time, rather he/she can re-post the same content in time.
5. Educate your audience
The sole purpose of your content should be to educate your audience. Your content should be able to tell your audience what is it that you do and are you beneficial to them in any way?

Because we all know what does a visitor want from your website? He has questions and he expects answers to all of them in detail. He is expecting all doubts to be cleared once he visits your website.
Make sure you do that.
6. You get a stronger bond with your customers!
The type of content you post everyday will decide if the customer will visit your website more than once. Once your content is good enough for people to believe in you, congrats you will have great traffic on your website.

And then, the more content you post on your website and the more people follow you, trust you and believe in your business.
7. Generates leads for your business
The most important of all is that good content generates great leads for you. And the lead generation is an important aspect, isn’t it?
Content marketing helps your business to be found by the users who are searching for your particular products on the web.

People refer your website content before they decide to even buy your products or even avail your services.
Using different techniques like giving eBook free download and many other things also lead to an increase in web traffic leading to an increase in sale perhaps.
In the end:
Content marketing is now the most important because as we see, our generation will check you up everywhere and in every way possible before they buy something from you.
So, you need to be very precise with your content and it should be able to get in the head of your visitors.
Also, read my blog on digital marketing : http://teamjugadu.com/blog/strategies-for-digital-marketing/