Digital marketing is a Powerful equipment in your business, Which you can use effectively. In this Article you will know about top 5 digital marketing trends in 2021 that you must follow for enhance your business. People want to stay safe in home because of Covid-19 pandemic. Almost every Customer increasingly active on social media and digital marketing, blogs. Everyone wants to start their business online and create new online businesses to utilize their time and you should know about digital marketing trends of 2021 .These Trends were originated in 2020 pandemic situation.
Top 5 Digital trends you shouldn’t Ignore in 2021
In 2021 some strategies are effective to increase visitors Chatbot, AI marketing(Artificial Intelligence) and Voice search optimization, social media stories. 10 years ago these strategies were beyond the Imagination of marketers and now its Trending strategies to gain visitors.
Chatbot is the effective way in 2021. In this AI based technologies to chat with Customers in real time. It’s an effective way to get in touch with your customers. Facebook and lyft are already using chatbot and after the chatbot system People can get easily connected and get their answer in less time. Lots of websites are also using chat box for more engagement.
Advantages of chat box
1. Chat Blast Your Messenger Contacts for +3x Open Rates

2. Create a survey that your customer actually want feel out
3. Design a personalized opt-in Experience for your messenger chatbots.

Voice search Engine Optimization
This is a process of ranking your page in voice search. Voice search Improvement offers you the possibility to have pages Read out Loud by voice search Engine Optimization.
- Alexa, siri
- Ask a question ( search device read the answer)
- Google assistant
Conversational Marketing
Chat with your customers helps to create more meaningful relationships with their customers through messages like what they want, where they could be the strategy you need to have in your mind for your audience and create competitive advantages between your brand and its competitors.
Reason to choose conversational marketing
- Customers are already communicating with other brand that convenient for them to talk. Social media messages that attract customers to talk and through website chat box.
- Get closer to their customers and build Trust.
Video Marketing
Video Marketing trends rise in 2020 when covid-19 pandemic came and everyone started spending lots of time on social media. Watching Videos like reels and tik tok , moj videos. People like to watch videos. 83% marketers think that videos are more important and marketers use more for the beginning of their brands for awareness.

AI Marketing

This Marketing uses artificial Intelligence to make mechanical decisions based on data collection, analysis and information for the audience. Artificial Intelligence marketing can utilize data provided, looking into insights, to then provide data for optimum campaigns.
If you want to know more about digital marketing
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