Technology and trending changes in Digital Marketing 2020

With eCommerce sales going up the hills, it is not only important but an essential thing to emerge with new technology and trends.

As we experience growth in technology, there is a change in customer expectations too in their shopping experience.

Brands need to understand well the strategies that they are using and what changes are needed in them.

1. Let the AI talk

Okay, we are revolutionizing every day and we live in the 21st century where things aren’t the same anymore. Advances in Machine Learning (ML) are important for advertisers and marketers too.

Another growing and advancing technology that the ML offers is the Augmented Reality (AR) where we combine digital information with physical reality in real time. In the world of digital marketers, AR has been able to improve shopping experience for a lot of customers.

Automation is another technology that has turned things around for a lot of people, by optimizing tasks itself automatically.

2. Video Marketing strategy

Most of the time customers land on your pages or site with the help of that video you posted on social media.

It is really important for you to understand that videos are really useful for your clients and way more interactive than you think.

A short video that includes all the information about you do and how you do things is what people want.

And for those advertising on social media or Amazon, both channels have plenty of additional opportunities to leverage video, whether it’s in-stream video ads on Facebook, or Enhanced Brand Content videos on Amazon product detail pages.

Even your own website and email marketing database offer plentiful opportunities to take advantage of video to enhance your user experience, answer frequently asked questions, offer product tutorials, and so much more.

3. Go for multi-touch attributions

We live in a world where digital and social era goes around much and more than anything. Your customers always get ads running on their google searches, pages, or anything that they use on the internet.

Let your team do some research on what works where and how. Put in the time and efforts to create your presence everywhere on social media, through mails, paid search and other ways to do it.

Instead, adopt a multi-touch attribution model to take into consideration every touch point in the buyer’s journey. This will allow you to make data-driven decisions about how much to invest in advertising formats at each stage of your buyer’s journey.

4. Customer trusts matter

Okay, you need to make sure that the customer data that you are taking is safe. 70% of the time customers are scared to share their personal data because they think it will be misused.

So, your brand name and everything is okay and cool but you also need to know your own purpose of the data and how you will use it.

If you are clear about why you need the data, you will be able to give your customers a clear understanding on how will you use the data and why do you need it.

5. Try to reduce friction

When buying multiple products from you, your customers will love to know how your products are. Most of the times, while buying something people usually read comments and reviews.

Reviews help your brand more than you think they do, if your product has 5 reviews only it will make an impact on the customer.

To reduce friction, what you can do is give a 360 degree look of your product on your website.

Putting up a picture of your product, a tagline, reviews and everything else you think is needed.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Yashika Bansal

      Thank you so much.

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