Read my blog on what is social media marketing? and how is it important?
We all write content and we all use graphics but is that enough? No, you need to do more than that if you want to be everywhere. Social media marketing is not as easy as it seems. ‘
You write a blog, you tweet it and post it 2-3 times on facebook and you think your work is done? It is not. This is nothing in comparison to what certain companies do to socially market their business.
It was never this easy and it never will be.
More than half of the world’s web traffic now comes from mobile phones and one in five of the world’s population shopped online in the past 30 days.

1. Everyone else, including your competition is on social media.
Instagram now has 800 million users and 500 million daily active users. It was also mentioned that it now has 2 million advertisers on the platform.
Now, you see if you are not on instagram and your competitor is, you are way behind in crossing them. Get an account and sign up now.

2. Social media is where people are hanging out
Facebook’s highest traffic occurs during mid-week between 1 to 3 in the afternoon and a post will get more clicks on average when posted around 7 pm.
Youngsters are hanging out on social media even at night and they have no time on when to access social media. So, you need to get access to your social media accounts and post about your business and new trends that are being followed every day.

3. Social Media is a great marketing tool
Social Media is the best way to market your content. You can write a blog, post some facts, put up different things about your competition in the market and many other things that will be of great significance.
You need a platform to express what you are doing and what is it that you do differently from others. It will help you generate more followers, get leads, and have more website traffic.

4. Add meta data
Every social media platform will display the content in different ways. To make sure your content is displayed in the best way possible, you need to add a meta description to your content.
Meta data is nothing but a short description about what your content is and how is it different from others. What purpose does your content serve. ‘
As a result, your meta description will help your content get on top. And it will advertise your business properly.

5. Adding shareable images
Images are an integral part of whatever content that you are writing. A blog, your website or anything that is a part of your business should have images that are shareable.
Most images shared and retweeted are on facebook and twitter. People are more intimidated by images while reading because they find images interesting and more engaging.
Different study shows that people like and take interest in content that has interesting images. So, you need to put up images that are engaging and get people to share it as much as possible.

6. Make commenting easy
When you post something on social media, there are some restrictions that are followed while posting. You need check out all those restrictions and make it easy for everyone to comment new things, make some suggestions and compliment you.
If your visitors does not find it easy to access you in any way, you will lack behind on a lot of things. You will not be able get comments on your post or blogs.
In the end, all you need to do is make it easy for people to comment.

7. Promotion is the key to more people
Okay, you have written a blog and you have successfully posted it on social media, making it accessible and everything but how do you plan on promoting it? You will not get traffic for your website if you do not promote it properly.
Targeting the right audience is an important part of promoting. Be age and gender specific while you promote your business. If you deal in cosmetics, target the girls of age 18-30 because they are into getting new cosmetics but no guy would want that.
Get the right people who will help you grow. More and more people should know about your business and for that you can run paid ads on social media and you also have to keep posting regularly. Get people interested in your business.

8. Be active on many social media accounts
Being active on facebook, twitter or instagram will help but not in a much larger way, so you need to be present on social media accounts and in a much larger way. You need to get active accounts on LinkedIn, Pinterest, Beehive, Snapchat, Tumblr, Google+ and other platforms that are there and where there is engagement by people.
You need to be present on blogging sites too that will help you get majore blog readers. WordPress, blogger, Ghost, Weebly and many others.

Summing up:
Social Media is easy but only if you do it right. If you are promoting your accounts and if you are able to reach a large number, people will kbnow about you.
They will decide if they are liking your content or not and you will get to know what is it that you need to change.
Social Media Marketing is cost-effective and it is the best way to reach a large number of people at a time which will be age specific and gender specific too.

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